The Universal Gateway has been developed to communicate with any Air Conditioner and Heat Pump model with and IR receiver. Use the Manufacturer wireless remote controller to control your AC system and the Gateway IR receiver will set the comfort as your command request.
Fast an easy configuration thanks to the DIP-SW available on the product. External power supply not required, powered by the AC unit.
Provides advanced BACnet functions such as notification class, trend logs or calendars. Controls all the connected units from a single BACnet object.
All the required DPT objects to be compatible with all KNX thermostats in the market. Grow in functionality with the binary inputs available in most of the gateways. Advanced configuration available for the best AC experience: presence, window contact…
Smooth integration of KNX thermostats thanks to our “virtual temperature” function. Wide range of standard DPTs ensuring interoperability with other KNX devices. Device configuration templates. Configure once, use endless in your projects!
Consistent register mapping presents common interface for all AC brands. Fast an easy configuration thanks to the DIP-SW available on the product. Wide register map covering not only a basic AC control but advance functionalities.
Supports both Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP simultaneously. Control all the units connected from a single Modbus register. Independent Modbus registers for individual control and monitoring.